Job one for a Sustainability Manager is to insure that your organization's activities interact with the environment in the best way possible. Nationwide Mattress Recycling can help!
You work hard to raise your corporate recycling rate every single day. Oftentimes, one shot waste generation events like mattress and box spring swap out projects, are forgotten. Did you know that the average swap out project has the potential to generate thousands of pounds of these bulky items?
You have the power to compel your organization to include recycling requirements in all your renovation or swap out project job specifications. Once specified, the contractor will recycle the mattresses and box springs, keeping them all out of local landfills or incinerators. You'll save your company money and dramatically improve your corporate recycling rate. Just one project can make a really big difference!
Recycling your company's mattresses and box springs makes sense and meets the goals of your strict Corporate Sustainability program.
Nationwide Mattress Recycling will track all of your recycled materials and provide real time updates outlining the total number of pounds recycled and saved from the landfill or incinerator. You will have secure web access to monitor your progress and your recycling achievements.
Nationwide Mattress Recycling's Sustainability Manager Recycling Recognition Program recognizes those professionals that encourage and require recycling.
To ensure customer satisfaction, Nationwide Mattress Recycling sends a Field Representative to each job site to confirm that the mattress and box spring removal and loading is proceeding smoothly.
The Field Representative also performs a basic inspection of the items being placed in our truck or trailer. This enables us, based upon the type and size of the items on board, to send the material to the appropriate Nationwide Mattress Recycling destination facility for reprocessing and recycling.